The importance of animations in supporting little children’s development




animations for children, children’s animator, children’s play, attention span, curiosity about the worldcuriosity about the world


Little children want to discover the world, striving to get new experiences. They are expansive and curiosed. The caring model has dominated in nurseries until recently. We still can meet child minders who think that children should only be taught self service there. Current law emphasises equal part of caring, upbringing and education in nurseries. In the article it is showed important role of childminders’ work and also there are described advantages of using animation in work with children based on conducted researches. In nurseries, conducting classes using school model doesn’t work. Really important is to use children’s natural curiosity, following them, but also inspiring them to act.


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Author Biography

  • Aneta Jegier, Academy of Special Education in Warsaw

    Aneta Jegier – Doctor of Humanities, assistant professor at the Maria Grzegorzewska Uni versity in Warsaw, Centre of Young Children’s Pedagogy. For three years she has been the manager of a public nursery in Warsaw. She is President of the Association for Supporting the Development of Children with Special Educational Needs. She deals with the issues of upbringing and education of children of nursery and preschool age and pedagogical innovations in the area of adult–child relations. She is the author of books and articles on helping children to function well at home, at nursery and at kindergarten.


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How to Cite

The importance of animations in supporting little children’s development. (2020). Kultura I Wychowanie, 1/19, 75-85.