Innovative methods of teaching used by contemporary teachers in grades I–III of primary schoolInnovative methods of teaching used by contemporary teachers in grades I–III of primary school




innovation, activating methods, contemporary early education teacher, a pupil of I–III grades


 The aim of contemporary educational system is to find optimal methods of work both for a teacher and for a pupil. The methods applied are supposed to use the full potential of children by attractive and effective organization of didactic and educational process. It is emphasized that there is a change of the organization of a teacher – pupil work. Traditional system of teaching, which was based on passing knowledge to pupils and controlling the mastering of the material, is abandoned. New, more friendly for a child model is being introduced. It is based on modern activating methods which apply contemporary informative technologies. The essence of contemporary education becomes versatile stimulation of a pupil by creative work of a teacher. On early education level each child’s character and personality is being intensively shaped therefore a teacher must carefully choose educational content and introduce it in the right way, using stimulating methods and innovative activities. 


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Author Biographies

  • Helena Marzec, University of Humanities and Economics in Łódź

    Helena Marzec – associate professor, pedagogue, holding post-doctoral degree in humanities of the University of Humanities and Economics in Łódź. Her scientific interests fall in the broadly understood area of social pedagogy, especially related to the functioning of the family environment in many of its areas. In addition, the area of her scientific considerations is care and educational activity undertaken towards a person in various stages of their life and in the course of various life situations. In her research she also devotes a lot of attention to preschool and early school education of a child, its course and effects. She is the author of 8 monographs and over 100 articles published in such magazines as: „Życie Szkoły”, „Wychowanie w Przedszkolu”, „Problemy Opiekuńczo-Wychowawcze”, „Problemy Rodziny”, „Pedagogika Rodziny”, „Małżeństwo i Rodzina” and others, as well as 20 articles in international magazines.

  • Dorota Depczyńska, University of Humanities and Economics in Łódź

    Dorota Depczyńska – PhD in humanities, methodologist in the field early school (grades 1–3) and preschool education, active teacher of early childhood education, sociotherapist. Author and co-author of numerous pedagogical innovations. Her scientific interests oscillate around the broadly understood issues of work with children in the period of preschool and early school education, in particular the methodology of learning to write and read, and work with children with special educational needs. She pays a lot of attention to developing non-standard interests of children, e.g. embroidery, weaving, lace-making.


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How to Cite

Innovative methods of teaching used by contemporary teachers in grades I–III of primary schoolInnovative methods of teaching used by contemporary teachers in grades I–III of primary school. (2020). Kultura I Wychowanie, 2/18, 35-52.