Professional education and its impact on professional practice




professional education, activation didactic forms and methods, worker’s personality, professional training programs, manager’s personality


 This article considers professional education and its impact on professional practice. The educational starting points of the topic and the forms and didactic methods of education which help to activate workers and their participation in education are discussed in the introduction. The article presents the psychosocial aspects of life which modify the work performance of the worker. These are partial aspects of his life path and include both individual educational motives and barriers. Educational barriers can be caused, for example, by the inappropriate setting of professionally oriented educational programs. Managers can have a significant impact on workers’s educational motivation.


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Author Biography

  • Radek Kaděra, Théa Laboratories, Prague

    Radek Kaděra – works in a middle management position in the field of people management. He graduated from the field of adult education in order to become more familiar with the methods that motivate workers to engage in personal development. At the same time, the author realizes that one of the main motivating factors is himself. And if he wants his employees to be motivated and to constantly develop, then he himself must also engage in personal development.


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How to Cite

Professional education and its impact on professional practice. (2023). Kultura I Wychowanie, 2/22, 169-181.