Redressing disadvantage: intersectional approach to children’s plight


  • Karolina Mendecka University of Lodz Author



intersectionality, children’s rights, discrimination, multidimensional discrimination, best interest of the child


This article focuses on children who experience intersectional discrimination, as they are oftentimes omitted entirely not only in literature, but also in law, and by courts and tribunals, at the international and domestic level. The number of children whose identities interplay is insurmountable, and they should not be forced to seek protection under one form of marginalized identity. Instead, their intersecting identities should be analyzed and taken into consideration together, as it seems to be an imperative tool to improve children’s protection and enrich academic and political discourse on that matter.


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Author Biography

  • Karolina Mendecka, University of Lodz

    Karolina Mendecka is a PhD candidate at the Institute of Theory and Philosophy of Law, Faculty of Law and Administration at University of Łódź. She is also International Human Rights Law student at Lund University and R. Wallenberg Institute. Her research focuses primarily on human rights issues, children’s and women’s rights and general principles of international law. 


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How to Cite

Redressing disadvantage: intersectional approach to children’s plight. (2024). Kultura I Wychowanie, 12, 71-84.