Teachers’ opinions on the adaptation of positive, multicultural pro-health behaviours among pupils in the 1st – 3rd grades
pro-health behaviours, adaptation, children, school, early education, multiculturalism, teacherAbstract
In the age of globalisation, when diversified cultures interact in all spheres of our life, it is significant for teachers to recognise and implement positive pro-health behaviours, which are adopted from other cultures and transferred into the realities of Polish schools. When perceived in the context of one’s health, educating for positive attitudes towards other cultures is especially important at the beginning of a child’s upbringing. This article focuses on research devoted to early education teachers’ knowledge and skills with respect to the implementation of positive, pro-health behaviours in the area of broadly conceived early education. The research problem can be expressed as the following question: Which foreign positive pro-health behaviours should be implemented in the environment of children of younger school age and in what way? The aforementioned problem could be successfully solved by referring to answers and opinions expressed in a questionnaire by the surveyed sample of teachers. Having been constructed on the basis of a diagnostic survey, the study has shown the teachers’ extensive knowledge concerning the issue. Moreover, the study has made the teachers aware of the possibilities of deploying health-related considerations for the sake of disseminating attitudes of acceptance and tolerance in the reality of everyday life and work. Since the study is of an introductory character, the presented results are definitely a comfortable starting point for further investigations.
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