Forum theater as an exemplification of performative education


  • Kamila Witerska University of Humanities and Economics in Łódź Author



performative education, performativity, Forum Theatre


 The article presents Forum Theatre as an example of the performative method. The author attempts to define the concept of performative education. The genesis of the term performativity and its meaning in the philosophy of language and philosophy of culture are subject to analysis. Next, the notion of performative education is defined and one of the forms of perceptual education presented – Forum Theatre.


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Author Biography

  • Kamila Witerska, University of Humanities and Economics in Łódź

    Kamila Witerska PhD – lecturer at the Chair of Pedagogy of Creativity at the University of Humanities and Economics in Lodz. She earned her doctorate in humanities in pedagogy from the Faculty of Pedagogy at the University of Warsaw. She is interested in drama, stimulating motivation and creative thinking, and supporting development. She is the author of publications on the comparison of the method of drama used in different age groups: Drama at various levels of education (2010) and a practical guide to drama techniques: Drama. Techniques, Strategies, Scenarios (2011). Her latest publication concerns Forum Theatre (2016), a new method used in peer education, prevention and sociotherapy.


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How to Cite

Forum theater as an exemplification of performative education. (2018). Kultura I Wychowanie, 1/13, 109-117.