Reflections on the perception of video games, esports and their possible dangers in the context of academic and common discourses




cyberpsychology, esport, aggression, addiction, ludology


The aim of the article is to draw attention to the bias not only in colloquial but also in academic discourse on video games and esports. Treating the above-mentioned phenomena as inherently negative (modelling aggressive behaviour, addictive behaviour, without any personality-developing qualities) may lead to the failure to perceive the advantages and benefits of games and to omitting this sphere of human activity in academic considerations, therefore scientific knowledge about them remains incomplete and relatively few researchers are trying to expand on that knowledge. The presentation of, mainly, foreign research results is intended to propose different optics for the perception of video games and esports and is also an attempt to counter the allegations made against them.

Author Biography

  • Piotr Klimczyk, Stefan Batory Academy of Applied Sciences

    Piotr Klimczyk – Master of Psychology, assistant at the Stefan Batory Academy of Applied Sciences based in Skierniewice and a school psychologist at Primary School No. 4 im. Maria Skłodowska-Curie in Skierniewice. His research interests focus on the relationship between virtual space and man, with an emphasis on video games, narrative psychology and educational psychology.


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How to Cite

Reflections on the perception of video games, esports and their possible dangers in the context of academic and common discourses. (2024). Kultura I Wychowanie, 1/23, 71-84.