Cognitive functioning and primary activities of people with aphasia after a stroke – three-case studies




stroke, aphasia, daily functioning, communiction skills, speech, reading, writting


The article presents the issues of daily functioning regarding people affected by post-stroke aphasia. Main objective of this article is to describe the speech disorders and behaviour that are a result of stroke. A number of studies have been conducted to show the arisen disorders and create the possibility of comparing them due to the position and extent of the damaged brain structure. The next part of the article describes the diagnosis of aphasia and the evaluation of linguistic competence of three case studies. The last part presents a neurologopedic therapy proposal of a patient with aphasia.


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Author Biography

  • Adrianna Nowicka, Casimir the Great University in Bydgoszcz

    Adrianna Nowicka – M.A., neurologopedics and speech therapist by profession. She works at the Kujawskie Centrum Medyczne Farma-Med in Inowrocław, Elementary School No. 2 name Panny Maryi in Inowrocław, and also runs her own business. Her scientific interests focus primarily on gerontologopaedics, with particular emphasis on speech disorders in adult patients as a result of brain damage, neurodegenerative diseases and post-stroke disorders.


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How to Cite

Cognitive functioning and primary activities of people with aphasia after a stroke – three-case studies. (2024). Kultura I Wychowanie, 1/23, 58-69.