The Vienna Circle. Basic assumptions and a critique attempt




Vienna Circle, logical positivism, verification, Schlick, Carnap, the principle of verification


The works of the Vienna Circle introduced a new era. Radical thoughts that were supposed to consolidate the existing empirical science and remove all metaphysics in order to build a real, scientific philosophy proved to be a mistake. The radical assumptions led to absurd conclusions. The Vienna Circle was guided by the principle of verification which sought to establish whether a sentence was meaningful or not. Yet this principle was not free of the assumptions that it was supposed to indirectly remove – metaphysical assumptions. In this article, I present the views of the Vienna Circle that are often overlooked in various publications. The central point of the text will be an attempt to discuss the criticism of the Vienna Circle’s assumptions.


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Author Biography

  • Rafał Tryścień, Akademia Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna w Łodzi

    Rafał Tryścień is a lecturer at the Academy of Humanities and Economics in Łódź. He holds a doctoral degree in philosophy based on a written and defended doctoral dissertation regarding contemporary discussions on personal identity.

    His research focuses on the issue of personal identity, contemporary concepts concerning the mind-body relationship within analytical philosophy of mind, and issues addressed within cognitive sciences.

    The author has participated in numerous scientific conferences, presenting the results of his research. His previous publications include works published in “Scientia et Fides”, “Studia Theologica Pentecostalia”, and several post-conference monographs. Additionally, the author was the editor-in-chief of issue 1 (13) in 2017 of the nationwide magazine dedicated to popularizing philosophy, “Filozofuj!” on the topic of personal identity. In this issue, there is an article authored by him titled Why am I me? (the text is recognized as one of the two most interesting in the issue by the readers of the magazine).


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How to Cite

The Vienna Circle. Basic assumptions and a critique attempt. (2024). Kultura I Wychowanie, 2/24, 125-145.