Dance classes with young people with intellectual disabilities as a form of pedagogical therapy


  • Kamil Lewandowski University of Humanities and Economics in Łódź Author



dance, integration, support, disability


In this article I discuss the use of dance as a tool for helping in education. The information contained in this study is derived from my undergraduate research, which was carried out in the 2017/2018 academic year at the university of the Academy of Humanities and Economic in Łódź, Department: Dance, Specialty: Dance Pedagogy. The title of the research work is “Therapeutic functions of dance classes with youth with intellectual disabilities.”


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Author Biography

  • Kamil Lewandowski, University of Humanities and Economics in Łódź

    Kamil Lewandowski – active dancer of ethnic, African dance. His interests include: dance in education, dance and movement psychotherapy, expressive dance, contact with nature, travels to the sources of life. Creator of the WPP Dance initiative - Dance Support of the Pedagogical Process (2019) and founder of the dance school with the same profile Criss-Cross Taniec i Natura in Łódź.


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How to Cite

Dance classes with young people with intellectual disabilities as a form of pedagogical therapy. (2019). Kultura I Wychowanie, 2/16, 155-162.