Visible Learning and educational policies in New Zealand and Australia




traditional education concept, evidence-based teaching, Visible Learning, education, system of education, New Zealand, Australia


This article analyses the theoretical background of changes that have taken place over the last two decades in the Australian and New Zealander educational systems. That background has two elements: first, understanding of pedagogical activities performed by the teacher and students in the educational process has been modified, second, Hattie’s concept of Visible Learning has gained a following. The text consists of four sections. The first section presents a reconstruction of the traditional model of perceiving the actions of teaching and learning. In the second section an insight into the foundations of an innovative, evidence-based approach to education is provided. The following section describes the concept of Visible Learning in relation to the main determining factors of education. Finally, the last section describes some of innovations introduced in New Zealand’s and Australia’s educational systems which, it is argued, raise the effectiveness of educational practices there.


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Author Biography

  • Anna Sarbiewska, independent researcher

    Anna Sarbiewska – MA in English Philology (UWM 2005). Teacher at the Jan III Sobieski Secondary School in Szczytno since 2003. Teacher of pedagogical practice (Zespół Kolegiów Nauczycielskich in Szczytno 2003–2009), English language teacher (ZKN in Szczytno 2005–2008), chartered teacher, secondary school-leaving and eighth-grade-leaving examiner (OKE in Łomża). She was awarded the Medal of the National Education Commission (2017) and distinction in the British Alumni Society “Teacher of the Year 2016” competition. In her research she focuses on the culture of education functioning in Polish schools, the possibilities of its modification, teaching and learning activities and their correlation; e-mail address:


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How to Cite

Visible Learning and educational policies in New Zealand and Australia. (2024). Kultura I Wychowanie, 2/16, 117-132.