The problems of humanising technological education




pedagogy, didactics, technological education, humanising, cultural studies


 It is contended that technological education, forming the outlook of the modern- -day person should accord to universal human values (the good, love, harmony, aesthetics, etc.). The achievements of scientific and technological advance should be subordinate to these values. It is argued that humanising the training of technology teachers requires a strategy and the establishment of regular courses in culture for technology teachers. It is suggested that humanising the paradigm of education changes the basic requirements of the dialectical method in revealing the contradictions of the object of study. Key ideas of pedagogy focus onthe uniqueness of each student and take into account her/his interests and values. This may require individualising the learning process. The abovementioned issues can be responded to through a cultural approach to technology teachers’ training. The content of courses should recognise the integrity of the cultural experience of humanity: ethical, religious, philosophical, aesthetic, technical, professional, etc., in addition to the scientific way of knowing the world. The use of technology in everyday life has greatly increased. There has been a shift of cultural patterns from the realm of mass consciousness and mass behaviour that operate on a natural basis to new patterns characterised by individualisation, analysis, and even consciousness transformation and construction. Therefore, teaching that the technological culture of self-determination is culturally determined must be included in the cultural training of technologyteachers. 


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Author Biographies

  • Yevgen Kulyk, Poltava National University named after V.H.Korolenko

    Yevgen Kulyk – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, and Head of the Production Basics Department of Poltava National Pedagogical University named after V. Korolenko. The author of 100 articles, 4 inventions and 3 monographs. The main area of his research is the problem of youth’s professional education.

  • Yuriy Kulyk, Kyiv National Economics University named after Vadym Hetman: Kiev

    Yuriy Kulyk – Philosophy doctor, Associated professor, Kyiv National Economics University named after Vadym Hetman, Kiev, UA


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How to Cite

The problems of humanising technological education. (2019). Kultura I Wychowanie, 2/16, 109-11.