Love as absolute challenge – also for education




E. Levinas, ethics of the other person, philosophy of dialogue, moral education, love


The other (alter), through the lens of Levinas`s criticism of the same (neutrum), is always a unique other who stands up to any generalisation and homogenisation. According to a heteronomous schedule of ethics by E. Levinas, “face of the other”, presence of their personal Thou in the sphere of life of a moral subject, precedes own being of this subject by their calling for an answer. Uniqueness of interpersonal relationship and appeal of the exterior Thou challenges human to exclusivity and to infinite self-abandonment in favour of the other (challenges to love). This ethical horizon is not possible to be ever reached and closed, it is impossible in fact, too difficult to be accepted as a norm of everyday life, mainly life in a community, society, state. Presence of “the third” (the political) in the sphere of morality is posed as a theoretical problem: What kind of ethics should be designed in a society of many “others” where Thou is inevitably turned to He/ She, included in socio-political structures and relationships of justice? Is it possible to talk about some continuum between the relationship to the other and the relationship to a community? The final part of the paper seeks to answer these questions and pedagogical implications of demands of love in moral education are pointed out. 


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Author Biography

  • Andrej Rajský, Trnava University in Trnava

    Andrej Rajský – Assoc. Prof. PhDr. Andrej Rajský, PhD. (Department of Educational Studies, Faculty of Education, TU in Trnava) – associate professor of pedagogy, focused on philosophical-ethical and anthropological areas of research and education. He published Osoba ako ikona tajomstva. Príspevok k personalistickej antropológii (Person as an Icon of Mystery. Contribution to Humanistic Anthropology) 2007; Nihilistický kontext kultivácie mladého človeka. Filozoficko-etický pohľad (The Nihilistic Context of Shaping up a Young Man. Philosophical-Ethical View) 2009. He co-edited, together with B. Kudláčová, Európske pedagogické myslenie (od moderny k postmoderne po súčasnosť (European Educational Thinking (from Modernism to Postmodernism up to Present)), 2012, two books with I. Podmanický: Prosociálnosť a etická výchova. Skúsenosti a perspektívy (Prosociality and Ethic Education. Experiences and Perspectives) 2014 and Človek človeku. K prameňom etickej výchovy (Human to Human. On the Sources of Ethic Education) 2016 and with M. Wiesenganger: Pomoc druhému na ceste cnosti. K filozoficko-etickým aspektom prosociálnosti (Helping others on the Path of Virtue. The Philosophical and Ethical Aspects of Prosociality) 2018. In 2019, he co-edited the book Education and “Pädagogik”. Philosophical and Historical Reflections. He is the member of the presidium of the Central European Philosophy of Education Society (CEUPES), member of editorial board of several Slovak, Czech, Polish and Italian scientific journals on philosophy of education, editor-in-chief of the journal Scientia et eruditio and scientific guarantor of annual doctoral conferences on educational science Juvenilia Paedagogica.


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How to Cite

Love as absolute challenge – also for education. (2024). Kultura I Wychowanie, 2/16, 89-98.