Love in parenting, upbringing and education of the infants (Contribution to the history of institutional pre-school education in the 19th century using the example of Trnava town)




pre-school education, education, teacher, history, love


The establishment of pre-primary educational institutions, brought recognition to pre-schools in most countries as the most appropriate place for the preparation of a child for life and school. From the beginning of institutional or private efforts to educate young children in theory and practical subjects, there were efforts to conceive pre-school educational institutions on the principles of holistic development with a deep understanding of the world of children and their psyche, as well as to prepare suitable teachers for these children. The existence of a pre-school in Trnava, demonstrates that this was in place from the start of the 19th century, and especially in activities of teacher Anthony Rehlingen.


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Author Biography

  • Zuzana Lopatková, Trnava University in Trnava

    Doc. PhDr. Zuzana Lopatková, PhD. (born in 1977 in Nová Baňa). Associate Professor at the Department of History of the The Faculty of Philosophy and Arts at Trnava University in Trnava. Her work is focused on new Slovak history, specializing in the history of the Church, history of education, regional history and personalities of modern times. She collaborates on fifteen scientific research projects and is a principal project leader of four scientific and research projects. She is a co-author of the monographs of Horné Orešany (2006), Ružindol (2008), Buková (2010), Smolenice (2011), Biely Kostol (2014) and three monographs on the history of education in Slovakia. Her most significant publications include the monograph of Martin Kollár 1853–1919 (2009), Canonical Visitation of the Smolenice Decanate in the 18th Century (2011) and The Canonical Visitation in North-Western part of Deanery Submontanus in the Second Half of the 16th Century and 17th Century (2014). She is the author of more than fifty scientific studies and professional articles. 


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How to Cite

Love in parenting, upbringing and education of the infants (Contribution to the history of institutional pre-school education in the 19th century using the example of Trnava town). (2024). Kultura I Wychowanie, 2/16, 59-73.