“Understanding the inconceivable” – The reception and processing of sensory stimuli in children with autism spectrum disorder
autism spectrum disorder, sensory processing disorderAbstract
The article considers atypical sensory functioning of children with autism spectrum disorder. The redefinition of autism contained in the Classification of Psychiatric Disorders of the American Psychiatric Association DSM-5, including hyper- or hyporeactivity in the diagnostic criteria, justifies the adoption of a sensory perspective in a multi-profile diagnosis and in the planning of educational and therapeutic interventions. The article is an attempt to reconstruct Jean A. Ayres’ theory of sensory integration and to show the sensory difficulties experienced by those on the autistic spectrum. The article outlines the typology of sensory processing disorders advanced by Lucy Jane Miller and Winnie Dunn. For a better understanding of the functioning of the child with autism spectrum disorder it is important to analyse his/her individual sensory profile. The specific reception of sensory expressions disturbs or sometimes prevents the child’s full participation in the life of preschool or school, and handicaps learning. It is important to eliminate sensory barriers and to create a sensory friendly environment. The article emphasises that the sensory needs of children with autism spectrum disorder are an important factor conditioning their psycho-motor and social-emotional development. The article also presents practical implications.
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