The Agazzi Sisters method in preschool education
activity, kindergarten, method, sensory education, aesthetic education, didactic museum, gardening, language learningAbstract
Italy was not interested in children’s education for a very long time. The first childcare centre was founded in 1828 in Cremona by Fr. Ferrante Aporti. In the years 1895–1917, another institution was opened by the Agazzi sisters in Nave, a small province of Brescia. The children they cared for came from a very difficult environment. The founding sisters told young teachers that their job was delicate, often involving all of one’s personal resources, requiring physical energy, steadfast attitudes and strong character. According to the Agazzi sisters, a teacher should be prepared to perform her work with humility, without showing signs of resentment in the presence of children. In their work with children, the Agazzi sisters utilized simple and commonly used materials; children could create from scratch and do something independently with their own hands and imagination. Those activities which we colloquially call arts and crafts today had great educational value. They accompanied children in discovering the world, developing the ability to build and to create increasingly consciously. Playing with everything that was natural offered children the opportunity to fully express their creativity. Tidying things and washing hands were also an ideal way to have fun and learn. This is how “Rupieciarnia” (“junk room”) was created. This method proved to be a great success and began to expand in many kindergartens in Italy.
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