Obligations of reviewers (ethical principles)

The editorial staff of the "Kultura i Wychowanie" journal and the Publisher comply with the ethical standards set by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). It follows the rules contained in the DOAJ document "Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing", defining ethical principles in scientific publications.

These standards set out the final and irrefutable rules governing the process of reviewing and editing submitted scientific texts. The editors declare that their compliance is not influenced by any relations with the business sphere. The intention of the Publisher, the University of Humanities and Economics in Łódź, is to constantly improve the journals, therefore the publication of scientific articles is subject to a fair, ethical, and reliable procedure of selecting and reviewing submitted works.

In connection with the above, the obligations of the parties involved in the publication process are established.


Reviewers of scientific texts submitted to the journal "Kultura i Wychowanie" undertake:

  1. Reliable, objective review of scientific articles presented to them, in accordance with ethical standards and refraining from all forms of unscientific criticism. Reviewers' comments and opinions returned to authors should be impartial, clear, and concise.
  2. Completion of the review in a timely manner. If other professional obligations prevent the reviewer from meeting deadlines, the reviewer should refrain from reviewing. In the event of a delay, the reviewer should notify the journal's editorial office about extending the deadline for submitting the review.
  3. Make every effort to increase the scientific value of reviewed scientific articles, including: by pointing out to the authors other sources, not included in the work, but important for the research field undertaken.
  4. Refrain from preparing a review if the field covered by the reviewed scientific articles does not fall within their scientific competences and/or there is a conflict of interest between the author and the reviewer.
  5. Informing the editorial office about violations of ethical standards in the reviewed articles by the authors of the publication, including, in particular, plagiarism and self-plagiarism.
  6. Informing the editorial office about a possible conflict of interest between the author and the reviewer. Reviewers may refuse to review if they believe that reviewing the work violates a conflict of interest or is contrary to their interests.
  7. Compliance with confidentiality rules regarding all information related to the review process. Works may be made available to other people only with the consent of the author, editors or publishing team.