Transgressive behaviour in the professional development of people with sensory integration disorders
sensory integration, transgression, development, professional developmentAbstract
Breaking barriers, overcoming one’s own limitations, is everyone’s task. However, not everyone realizes that there are people among us, for whom – although they are basically healthy – overcoming these barriers comes with difficulty. They are called variously: slackers, or sonorously – in English – clumsy. They are not sick, only their brains (for reasons described below) work slightly differently. They stumble around for no reason, something constantly falls out of their hands, they react badly to certain sounds, tastes, smells. Sometimes this makes them scream and run away, arousing the unhealthy curiosity of the chattering public. Because of this, they have to face incomprehension, social ostracism, sometimes lack of acceptance even among loved ones. School and later professional work thus become extremely challenging for them. These are people with sensory integration disorders, and this article is an attempt to examine and present how they cope in the school environment and during their careers.
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