Authority and Obedience in the Upbrining Process (Based on the Instruction The Service of Authority and Obedience)


  • Małgorzata Kunicka University of Szczecin Author



upbringing, authority, power


In the „culture of abundance”, created in the world of liberal beliefs, there is no place for the upbringing a child in the spirit of obedience. Apologists of the permissive upbringing equate human freedom with excessive tolerance, superseding authoritarianism, but reject the upbringing to obedience. However there is a need of raising a young human to responsibility, temperance, honesty, and respect for another. This becomes possible in a situation where the nurturer’s authority is understood as service and the child’s obedience is understood as a willful submission to the voice of the nurturer. 


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Author Biography

  • Małgorzata Kunicka, University of Szczecin

    Dr Małgorzata Kunicka – PhD in Pedagogy, current place of employment: University of Szczecin, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Pedagogy, Department of Early Childhood Education. Scientific interests: early school education, axiology, teleology. Author of a monograph on education entitled Temporalne orientacje teleologiczne nauczycieli a lot of research papers in ranked scientific journals on education, i.a. in „Teraźniejszość – Człowiek – Edukacja”, „Opuscula Sociologica”, „Forum Oświatowe”, „Kultura – Media – Teologia”, „Kultura i Wychowanie”, as well as a number of publications in books (in total nearly 50 publications).


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Kunicka M., Linguistic landscape wokół procesu wychowania. Archaizmy i eufemizmy jako enklawy językowe, „Teraźniejszość – Człowiek – Edukacja”, nr 1(65)/2014, s. 129–141.

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Sławiński S., Wychowywać do posłuszeństwa, Instytut Wydawniczy PAX, Warszawa 1994.







How to Cite

Authority and Obedience in the Upbrining Process (Based on the Instruction The Service of Authority and Obedience). (2024). Kultura I Wychowanie, 12, 179-189.