Phonoholism among school youth as a new form of risky behavior


  • Dariusz Sarzała University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn Author



cyberspace, cyber addiction, phonoholism, excessive use of mobile phone, mobile phone addiction, school youth, risky behavior


 The article presents the phenomenon of excessive use of mobile phones,that takes the form of a new cyber addiction, termed phonyholism.. The author focused primarily on the problem of the possibility of becoming addicted to this device. He presented symptoms of phonoholism and negative consequences for the health and psychosocial development of school youth in the context of risky behavior. It also emphasized the need to distinguish diagnostic criteria from phonoholism. In the article the author also pointed out the role of family and school in counteracting this phenomenon.


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Author Biography

  • Dariusz Sarzała, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn

    Dariusz Sarzała – pedagogue and philosopher, doctor of humanities. Assistant Professor at the Department of Pedagogy of Resocialization at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. His research interests focus on the issue of social maladjustment and social reintegration. He also explores behavioral addictions and new deviant phenomena occurring in cyberspace and their determinants. Author, co-author and co-editor of more than 120 scientific articles and books covering thematic areas mentioned before, published in Poland and abroad. 


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How to Cite

Phonoholism among school youth as a new form of risky behavior . (2018). Kultura I Wychowanie, 12, 131-146.