The teacher vis à vis the otherness of the student on the school stage of drama
education, philosophy of dialogue, Other, teacher, studentAbstract
The main purpose of this article The teacher vis à vis the otherness of the student on the school stage of drama is the transposition of the category of „otherness”, which derives from Józef Tischner’s philosophy of man, to the educational field and to use it to present the relationship between teacher and student. The author of this article, using Tischner’s inspiring idea of the philosophy of dialogue as her starting point, describes the roles of the student and the teacher in the educational process. She points to the obstacles that stand in the way of dialogue possibilities (barriers resulting from the core curriculum, examination system, obligatory limitation of upbringing functions, the multiplicity of educational interactions affecting the individual in social dialogue, institutionalisation and standardisation of contemporary reality), and, at the same time, she points out the ground which allows both parties to seek agreement in school communication. It is important to recognise mutual understanding on the agathological and axiological level, and to give the meeting the character of a presentational event. As an inalienable trait in a properly organised didactic process, it recognises the necessity for the teacher to adopt an open attitude to another’s otherness – he/she cannot be self-and-for-self, he/she must become self-different and even I-for-other; bear his/her own difference.The main purpose of this article The teacher vis à vis the otherness of the student on the school stage of drama is the transposition of the category of „otherness”, which derives from Józef Tischner’s philosophy of man, to the educational field and to use it to present the relationship between teacher and student. The author of this article, using Tischner’s inspiring idea of the philosophy of dialogue as her starting point, describes the roles of the student and the teacher in the educational process. She points to the obstacles that stand in the way of dialogue possibilities (barriers resulting from the core curriculum, examination system, obligatory limitation of upbringing functions, the multiplicity of educational interactions affecting the individual in social dialogue, institutionalisation and standardisation of contemporary reality), and, at the same time, she points out the ground which allows both parties to seek agreement in school communication. It is important to recognise mutual understanding on the agathological and axiological level, and to give the meeting the character of a presentational event. As an inalienable trait in a properly organised didactic process, it recognises the necessity for the teacher to adopt an open attitude to another’s otherness – he/she cannot be self-and-for-self, he/she must become self-different and even I-for-other; bear his/her own difference.
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