Alternative teaching in the modern model of education .
alternative education, different teaching, creative attitudeAbstract
In the progressive model subject teachings of contents are integrated, and the teacher is keeping active pupils which by experiencing will get to know world and oneself company. Pupils are learning also to organize their process of the knowledge acquisition and the ability, and motivated inwardly are seeking interesting learning techniques independently. In the alternative teaching the pressure is being put on the cooperation and experiments conducted also apart from the school. The optionality of the teaching is relying among others on the person of the teacher, of which creating many safe and diversified chances for the child in an optimal way for becoming initiator, participant, perpetrator is a task of action (independently and in collaboration with other), of experiencing pleasure from taken action, dealing defeats with, as well as deriving satisfaction from own action, this way in the real world, like of the fantasy and the play. Thanks so for experience the child is supposed to learn the sensitivity for own purposes, readinesses to put purposes and the courage for oneself in their realization. In the progressive model subject teachings of contents are integrated, and the teacher is keeping active pupils which by experiencing will get to know world and oneself company. Pupils are learning also to organize their process of the knowledge acquisition and the ability, and motivated inwardly are seeking interesting learning techniques independently. In the alternative teaching the pressure is being put on the cooperation and experiments conducted also apart from the school. The optionality of the teaching is relying among others on the person of the teacher, of which creating many safe and diversified chances for the child in an optimal way for becoming initiator, participant, perpetrator is a task of action (independently and in collaboration with other), of experiencing pleasure from taken action, dealing defeats with, as well as deriving satisfaction from own action, this way in the real world, like of the fantasy and the play. Thanks so for experience the child is supposed to learn the sensitivity for own purposes, readinesses to put purposes and the courage for oneself in their realization.
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