Bataillon Scolaire. Does history teach us anything?
school battalions, nationalism, patriotic educationAbstract
The article recalls a little-known episode in the history of European education, when in reaction to the trauma of the lost war in 1870, France, developing the ideology of Esprit de revanche (spirit of revenge), established the so-called "School battalions" in which children were trained in military practice, using weapons and shooting. The matter was treated so seriously that the mass production of fake weapons and uniforms was initiated and the best children's units participated in parades on the national holiday, along with regular army formations. The "battalions" formed a particular group of French victims of World War I. The battalions also inspired imitators. The current political situation in Europe and the reassertion of nationalism that is obvious in this context make the history of the children's army a particularly topical warning.
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