Feminist education/child upbringing





upbringing, feminism, motherhood, gender, feminist parenting


The aim of the work is to discuss a new approach to upbringing in the educational sciences - feminist parenting. Feminist education is focused primarily on inclusiveness. This educational model rejects gender stereotypes. The topic of upbringing in the feminist trend is used abroad, but also in Poland, where there are more and more works on it. The dissemination of knowledge about feminism in connection with upbringing makes it possible to simultaneously reject the myths about feminism reproduced by the authorities and parents, as well as to develop a new educational model that would be subject to non-hierarchical relations between children and parents, respect for the diversity of children, paying attention to the mother's needs and making visible disadvantages of the patriarchal educational model.


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Author Biography

  • Aleksandra Brzostowicz , Uniwersytet Łódzki

    Student of philosophy, member of the Scientific Circle of Philosophers and Westernists of the University of Lodz "IDEA". Scientific interests: contemporary philosophy, philosophy of language, international relations, psychology, women's perspective in science, pedagogy and upbringing.


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How to Cite

Feminist education/child upbringing. (2024). Kultura I Wychowanie, 2/24, 83-93. https://doi.org/10.25312/2083-2923.24_06abrz