The importance of artistic expression in expressing emotions of a child on the autism spectrum - a case study




autism spectrum disorder, art therapy, fine arts, drawing, emotions, disorders


For many years, therapeutic methods have been developed to improve the quality of life for people on the autism spectrum. One of the most modern therapeutic forms is art therapy. The creative process stimulates both cerebral hemispheres at the same time. This results in the emotional and cognitive development of the child and this, in turn, improves the child’s social development. In addition, an autistic child who has difficulty controlling and expressing his or her emotions through drawing, painting or sculpting has the opportunity to learn how to deal with emotional tension. When analyzing the artistic creations of autistic children, one can not only get an aesthetic impression, but also notice their hidden content. They represent an individual story of emotions, experiences and deeply hidden anxieties. The drawings are characterized by their simplicity, schematic and minimalist form. By knowing the meanings of the expressions used, we can try to get to know the child’s personality traits, character, passions and history. Autism spectrum disorder hinders drawing development considerably, but does not rule it out completely. The main aim of the article, ‘The importance of artistic expression in expressing the emotions of a child on the autism spectrum – a case study’, is to draw conclusions from the analysis of the drawing works of an autistic child in the context of the child’s varied emotions. The author of the article, drawing on the literature on the subject and her own experiences and interests, describes the world of emotions of a child with autism spectrum hidden in the drawings.


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Author Biography

  • Liliana Samulak, Uniwersytet Bielsko-Bialski

    Liliana Samulak – MA, teacher in the non-public kindergarten “Kropeczka” in Bielsko-Biała. She graduated from the Julian Fałat Secondary Art School in Bielsko-Biała. After graduating from high school she enrolled at the Teacher Training College in Bielsko-Biała at the faculty of pedagogy. She wanted to use her skills in art in her later work with young children. She is currently a graduate of Pedagogy with a specialisation in Elementary Education and Pedagogical Therapy at the Bielsko-Biała University of Technology and Humanities. In her work she uses art classes as a form of therapy for children with disorders.


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How to Cite

The importance of artistic expression in expressing emotions of a child on the autism spectrum - a case study. (2024). Kultura I Wychowanie, 2/24, 23-40.