Family material well-being and children’s dreams in the context of psychological well-being




children’s dreams, material well-being, psychological well-being


The material well-being of the family is one of the aspects related to the concept of broadly understood holistic well-being, including psychological well-being. In the literature, the problem of childhood in crisis is often signalled under these terms: childhood of excess, candy childhood, generation of satiety. This inspired the authors of this article to check empirically what children who are raised in families of high economic status and whose material needs are satisfied excessively, dream of (wish for). The research presented in the article was carried out in the convention of qualitative research, using the interview method, among sixth grade students of private and public primary schools in Lodz.


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Author Biographies

  • Małgorzata Kierzkowska, Academy of Special Education in Warsaw

    Małgorzata Kierzkowska – PhD in social sciences in the discipline of pedagogy; care and educational pedagogue; graduate of the University of Lodz. Assistant professor at the Faculty of Educational Sciences at The Maria Grzegorzewska University in Warsaw. Her academic interests focus on: the situation of the child in the contemporary family, problems of the contemporary family, its transformations, dysfunctionality, as well as directions and forms of support.

  • Karolina Skarbek, Academy of Special Education in Warsaw

    Karolina Skarbek – PhD in social sciences in the discipline of pedagogy; psychologist; graduate of Warsaw University. She works as an adjunct at the Faculty of Educational Sciences at The Maria Grzegorzewska University. She conducts academic research in the field of mathematical giftedness in children, the learning process, and the diagnosis of children. In addition, she works as a psychologist in one of the psychological and pedagogical counseling centers in Warsaw, where she deals with the diagnosis and therapy of children, supporting parents and teachers.


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How to Cite

Family material well-being and children’s dreams in the context of psychological well-being. (2024). Kultura I Wychowanie, 1/15, 111-125.