Marketing-logistics management processes in microenterprises


  • Danuta Janczewska Social Academy of Sciences in Łódź Author



logistics, marketing, management, SMEs


This article aims to show the need to integrate marketing and logistics, their individual tasks and related problems. Through focusing on selected aspects of marketing and logistic management, the article highlights the specificity of modern management methods. Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) constitute the largest sector of the economy. The role and importance of SMEs in the economy is the subject of much debate. Increasing the competiveness of SMEs is now one of the main goals in the field of management. The article presents research on the logistics-marketing management processes of SMEs in 69 enterprises in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie region. It is argued that there are possibilities to enhance SMEs’ competitiveness by providing marketing-logistic management support.


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Author Biography

  • Danuta Janczewska, Social Academy of Sciences in Łódź

    Dr. Eng. – assistant professor at the Department of Marketing and Logistics, Faculty of Management.



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How to Cite

Marketing-logistics management processes in microenterprises. (2024). Innovative Management in Economy and Business, 2/25, 193-203.

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