Instructions for authors
The editorial office accepts the following content for publishing:
- remaining within the thematic area of the journal
- valuable in terms of content
- stylistically and linguistically correct
- meeting formal criteria.
We publish articles in Polish and English.
The editorial office accepts content containing:
- author's name and surname, e-mail address, ORCID number, and possibly other digital identifiers of scientists such as ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID;
- information about the author in Polish and English (title/degree, function/position, place of work, scientific interests/research, significant publication) - max. 700 characters; - the title of the publication in Polish and English;
- summary in Polish and English, up to 0.5 pages;
- keywords (4-6) in Polish and English;
- the full text of the publication edited in accordance with formal requirements;
- bibliography;
- author's declaration completed in the OJS system confirming the originality of the text and that the author has transferred the rights to use the article to the Publisher)
Enter materials in the OJS system via place report text.
Texts submitted to the editorial office of "Kultura i Wychowanie" cannot be previously published and cannot be forwarded to other editorial offices for publication.
Text format
The text of the paper should be standardized in A4 format (30 lines per page, 60 characters per line) - margins 2.5 cm; 1.5 line spacing; 12p Times New Roman serif font, footnotes in 10p Times New Roman font; single line spacing; justified text.
The length of the paper should not exceed 12 pages, and reviews and reports from conferences and meetings - 5 pages.
Footnotes, citations, bibliography
Footnotes should be placed at the bottom of the page, in the following order: initial of the author's name, author's surname, title (in italics), name of the publishing house, place and year of publication, page numbers (page numbering applies to serial publications), Times New Roman font, 10 points, line spacing 1 point, Polish index phrases (e.g. ibid., op. cit.)
- Majewski, Mathematics. A collection of tasks for the 5th grade of primary school, WSiP, Warszawa 1999. [if it is a compact publication]
- Zieliński, Organizational techniques. New look, "Przegląd Organisation", No. 2/2003, pp. 26-40. [if it is a magazine article]
- Wrześniewski, Psychological determinants of the emergence and development of somatic diseases, [in:] J. Strelau (ed.), Psychology, vol. 3, Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne, Gdańsk 2000. [if it is a publication in a collective work].
Quotations longer than 2 lines in block form in petite (Times New Roman, 10 points, without protrusion) in italics, separated from the main text at the top and bottom by a single vertical space, without quotation marks, quotations shorter than 2 lines in italics in a text block, book titles, and foreign language expressions in italics.
The bibliography (only items cited in the text) should be provided at the end of the paper in alphabetical order and should be constructed according to the same rules as footnotes, except for the order of the author's name and surname. First, we provide the surname and then the initial of the author's name.
Due to electronic editions, it is necessary to connect hyperlinks to Internet sources provided in the text, so that when you click on the website address, you can see a given source in a web browser.