The comfort of choice or the choice of comfort? On educational strategies in a school of fine arts
(based on the author’s own teaching experiences)
artistic education, pedagogical innovations, art, teaching, history of artAbstract
One of the metaphors of the modern world is the supermarket metaphor. On the one hand, a supermarket is synonymous the lesser quality. On the other hand, a supermarket brings with it the comfort of choice. The supermarket as a space for choice should be inspirational for education. I’m talking about construction, by the teacher, of a process that would allow the pupil real choice of areas or methods of work. The teacher still plays the key role in this scenario, but as an idea-giver and animator of attractive tasks, from which the pupil chooses those most appealing to him/her. And it is the pupil who is de facto the main actor in this process. The enterprises I developed and put into practice at the Liceum Plastyczne (High School of Fine Arts) in Poznan fit into such a supermarket paradigm. These were: “Passive pupil – active pupil” workshops, the pedagogical innovation “Personility of a subject”, and also “Baroque supermarket” project activities which completed another pedagogical innovation – “Playing for Art”.
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