Ad unum vertere? Education as con-versio from multitude


  • Andrej Rajský Trnava University in Trnava Author



universalism, unity versus plurality, polyphonic truth, Ladislav Hanus, organic pluralism, education as conversion


 The complexity and universal validity of knowing became a reason and aim of intellectual effort expressed in the notion philo-sophia. The advantages of universalism can be summarised into several elements: the concept of human nature, the ontological fundament of human dignity, and their ethical demands, regardless of individual differences. On the other hand, universalism hides within itself an ever-present germ of potential destructivity, when, in the name of the “universal truth,” there occurs a factual and inhumane exclusion of certain individuals and groups from the community of those who “deserve” dignitas humana. Slovak philosopher of culture Ladislav Hanus in his work Principle of Pluralism defines “organic pluralism”. Hanusian “organic pluralism” connects and integrates multitude, which is its quantitative dimension, with organicness, which is its qualitative dimension. The development of a person takes place by a gradual and purposeful interweaving of quantity with quality, and this activity is called education, or con-versio from multitude. 


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Author Biography

  • Andrej Rajský, Trnava University in Trnava

    Andrej Rajský, ass. prof., PhD. – vice-dean for science and research; associate professor in ethics, Faculty of Education, Trnava University, Slovakia. He focuses on the field of philosophy of education and moral philosophy and finds challenges and motivations for philosophy of moral education in their intersection. A selection of his book publications includes the following: A person as an icon of mystery. Contribution to the personalistic anthropology (2007), The nihilistic context of cultivating a young person. Philosophical-ethical view (2009), European pedagogical thinking (from modernism to postmodernism to the present) (2012, co-editor), Man to man. To the sources of ethical education (2016, co-editor), Help to the Other on the road of virtue. On the Philosophical- -Ethical Aspects of Prosociality (2018, co-editor).


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How to Cite

Ad unum vertere? Education as con-versio from multitude. (2024). Kultura I Wychowanie, 2/14, 25-35.