Staff in administration. Regulations and rules for the recruitment of staff to public administrations
human resources management, public administration, human resources in public administrationAbstract
Today functioning public administration acts on behalf of and for the account of the State or another, separate from the State entity of public authority, and its institutions are obliged to act in the public interest, on the basis of and within the limits of the law, in order to carry out the wider common good. As one of the primary factors guaranteeing the stability of the everyday functioning of the State must operate in a continuous and stable. Thus its operation should be based on the work of a professional, expert staff. Service within the public service by a professional staff is guaranteed a number of rules of law (including the law on employees of State authorities or local government employee of the civil service). This article raises issues related to the functioning of the human resources in the public administration, on the basis of and in accordance with the Civil Service Act of 21 November 2008 year.
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Ustawa z dnia 21 listopada 2008 r. o służbie cywilnej; DzU 2008, nr 227, poz. 1505.
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