Logistics of micro and small enterprise


  • Jerzy Janczewski University of Humanities and Economics in Łódź Author




logistics, logistics activities, micro and small enterprises


The article presents basic information about the organization of logistics and logistics activities in micro and small enterprises. The arguments supported by research which aimed to answer the question what actions logistical and to what extent are most common in micro- and small enterprises. In summary study found that in micro or small enterprise logistics position need not be uniquely determined and logistics infrastructure of a typical manufacturing company or service, micro or small, may include similar components. You can also point out the relationship between the profile and scale of operations, financial situation or micro and small business solutions used and the activity of logistics companies.

Author Biography

  • Jerzy Janczewski, University of Humanities and Economics in Łódź

    Ph.D., assistant professor at the Department of Transport Systems at the Faculty of Computer Science, Management and Transport.


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How to Cite

Logistics of micro and small enterprise. (2024). Innovative Management in Economy and Business, 1/22, 113-126. https://doi.org/10.25312/2391-5129.22/2016_114-126

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