Electric bikes in the micromobility system
micromobility, micromobility system, electric bikeAbstract
Using e-bicycles to get from one place to another is becoming more and more popular. Moving them does not require much physical effort, so on longer journeys they can be an alternative to conventional bicycles. Electric bikes are used by both companies and individuals. An electric assist bicycle can also be a transportation solution for people with health problems. E-bikes can also be seen as one way to fill the gap in public transport and reduce congestion in city centres. The aim of this article is to discuss electric bicycles and to indicate their place in the micromobility system. The systematics of e-bikes is discussed, the market is characterized and some selected examples of their use in the transport of people and loads is mentioned. In conclusion, it is hypothesized that more e-bikes on the streets could lead to fewer cars in cities. The work was based on academic publications as well as information and studies of industry practitioners. The article ends with a summary.
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