Supply chain management. Selected Issues


  • Jerzy Janczewski University of Humanities and Economics in Łódź Author



logistics, supply chain, supply chain management


The article discusses the concept of supply chain management. It refers to selected interpretations of the term, principles and methods as well as goals and benefits of supply chain management. These deliberations are summarised. Supply chain management is a very complex, multifaceted and interdisciplinary issue. It covers, inter alia, purchase issues, supplier management, logistics, transport, marketing, customer service, organisational behaviour, network management, information systems, strategic and operational management, and many other issues.

Author Biography

  • Jerzy Janczewski, University of Humanities and Economics in Łódź

    Ph.D., assistant professor at the Department of Transport Systems at the Faculty of Computer Science.


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How to Cite

Supply chain management. Selected Issues. (2024). Innovative Management in Economy and Business, 1/26, 163-179.

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