Economics of Sustainable Development as a Trend in Modern Economics: An Overview


  • Tomasz Zalega University of Warsaw Author



sustainable development, economics of sustainable development, eco-development, homo sustinens, environment


The concept of sustainable development, and thus the evolution of the economics of sustainable development, became a subject of increased interest for researchers and businesses after the first UN Conference in Stockholm in 1972, and then after the second Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro two decades later. It is at the second Earth Summit with its “Environment and Development” motto, which was attended officially by 172 countries and approximately 2400 representatives of nongovernmental organisations, where unsustainable consumption Summary Economics of Sustainable Development  as a Trend in Modern Economics: An Overview and production were recognised as the most important causes of growing global development problems. Attempts were made to find models of sustainable and stable economic development that took into account the protection of ecosystems from overexploitation and determinants of ecological human activity. It was no accident that this process coincided with the progress of economics of sustainable development. This article aims at providing an insight into economics of sustainable development and presenting its historical roots. The issues herein do not describe its whole range, but only selected elements. The structure of this article is as follows. The first part focuses on the origins, concept and principles, objectives and orders of sustainable development. Further, the concept and assumptions of sustainable development economics and homo sustinens as the basic underlying notion are discussed.

Author Biography

  • Tomasz Zalega, University of Warsaw

    Professor, Ph.D. in economics, National Economy Department, Faculty of Management.


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How to Cite

Economics of Sustainable Development as a Trend in Modern Economics: An Overview. (2024). Innovative Management in Economy and Business, 2/23, 129-156.

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