Business process management in a company dealing in the import of used cars
import of used cars, used car, business processes, small enterpriseAbstract
Poles are eager to buy used cars, most of which are imported. It is generally believed that cars are used in more favourable conditions beyond the western border. The processes related to the purchase of a car abroad and its import into Poland are similar for both individual and institutional importers. One should always seek out a vehicle, check its technical condition, deregister it in the country of origin, transport it, perform pre-sales service and re-register it in the destination country. The biggest drawback in the used car trade is that the company offering such cars provides a new value for the customer but does not help him or her sell the used vehicle that he or she has used to date. The article presents the most important business activities related to the sale of used motor vehicles. To this end, the sale of such cars in Poland is discussed, the logistics chain is characterised and the introduction of used vehicles to the market is presented. A selected company importing these cars into Poland is analysed.
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