Foreign and security policy of the European Union – genesis, development and importance for contemporary Europe. Part 2: 1970–1992: from the establishment of the European Political Cooperation to the Maastricht Treaty.


  • Radosław Kamiński University of Humanities and Economics in Łódź Author



European Union foreign and security policy, the Maastricht Treaty, the period: 1970–1992


The genesis of the modern world security system dates back to the end of the second World War II, after which there started to form a new – bipolar balance of power. The current system of cooperation between Member States of the European Union’s foreign policy and safety is the result of long-term process, which origin dates back to the second mid-forties of the twentieth century. Its development was based on a number of compromises concluded between Member States. Common Foreign and Security Policy – established by the Treaty of Maastricht on 7 February 1992 – as a result of painstaking efforts of members of the Union – is an instrument for fostering European identity and independence, promoting peace, security and progress in Europe and in the world. The aim of this paper is to present the process of formation of the CFSP, its objectives and importance in the evolution of contemporary international relations. The second part of the publication covers the period from the establishment of the European Political Community to the establishment of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (1970–1992).


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Author Biography

  • Radosław Kamiński, University of Humanities and Economics in Łódź

    Ph.D., assistant professor at the Department of Social Processes, Faculty of Humanities.



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Wykaz aktów prawnych

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How to Cite

Foreign and security policy of the European Union – genesis, development and importance for contemporary Europe. Part 2: 1970–1992: from the establishment of the European Political Cooperation to the Maastricht Treaty. (2013). Innovative Management in Economy and Business, 2/15, 129-137.

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