Conscious and collaborative consumption in the consumer behaviour of Polish seniors. Results of author’s own research


  • Tomasz Zalega University of Warsaw Author



seniorzy, świadoma konsumpcja, współpracująca konsumpcja, zachowania konsumenckie


This article focuses on the consumer behaviour of people aged 65+ in Poland that may be classified as conscious and collaborative
consumption. The article primarily seeks to offer some insight into both consumer trends within the consumer decision-making process among Polish seniors. The basis for the conclusions is provided by direct research conducted in the form of a questionnaire using a sample of 2537 people aged 65+ in 2014–2015 in ten Polish cities of various populations and sizes.

Author Biography

  • Tomasz Zalega, University of Warsaw

    Prof. extraordinary Ph.D. economic sciences, Department of National Economy, Faculty of Management.


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How to Cite

Conscious and collaborative consumption in the consumer behaviour of Polish seniors. Results of author’s own research. (2024). Innovative Management in Economy and Business, 1/26, 103-120.

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