Poverty in contemporary Poland as a problem of socio-economic development in 2000–2010
poverty, poverty thresholds, the social questionAbstract
With the development of a market economy in Poland appeared the phenomenon of poverty, which over the centuries to masquerade in various image and size. In today’s time, can be found almost everywhere, poverty and unemployment are widespread. More and more often heard from the mouth of the public of the deprivation and crime, which may be the reason for the lack of financial resources. In addition, more and more often among those appearing begging children. You can say that this has become a way of life, because the parents of the little they teach their children how to live on the street. Therefore, it is in the minds of children develops a sense of financial security, and like its running out of such persons are able to break the law. Due to the large scale Polish poverty, this event is an important socio-economic issue. Therefore, in analysing poverty issues in this article the author wishes to point to the determinants of poverty in Poland through rigorous analysis using Statistica.
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