The legal basis of environmental protection in Poland: selected issues


  • Zenon Ślusarczyk University of Humanities and Economics in Łódź Author



environmental law, legal and financial instruments in environmental protection


This article considers aspects of the legal basis for environmental protection in Poland. Under current law, environmental protection is the responsibility of public administrations, businesses and citizens. These actors (and others) should comply with the law so as to maintain the natural foundations of life of people and to ensure appropriate conditions for development without harming the environment. The article looks at regulations relating to the use of water resources, forestry, geology, etc. and reflects on the use of fees for sewage and waste disposal, etc. In principle, these regulations should be consistent with EU environmental law and other international agreements

Author Biography

  • Zenon Ślusarczyk, University of Humanities and Economics in Łódź

    Prof. extraordinary dr hab.


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How to Cite

The legal basis of environmental protection in Poland: selected issues. (2024). Innovative Management in Economy and Business, 1/22, 59-68.

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