Consumption Among Young People in Poland


  • Karolina Malesa Warsaw School of Economics Author
  • Tomasz Malesa University of Warsaw Author



youth, households of young people, income, expenditure, consumption


The article discusses consumption among young people in Poland. Its aim is to present the income status, expenditure and the structure of consumption among young people. To this end, the 2012–2015 GUS data on the budgets of households of young people are analysed. The article is organised as follows: a short introduction in the first part of the article is followed by a succinct explanation of the notions of youth. Subsequently, demographic changes taking place in Polish society and among young consumers are discussed. The second part of this article provides an analysis of the financial standing of young Polish people (their income status, the level and structure of consumption expenditure, and the expenditure structure by object). The article ends with a concise summary.

Author Biographies

  • Karolina Malesa, Warsaw School of Economics

    Karolina Malesa, M.A., Institute of Corporate Finance and Investment.

  • Tomasz Malesa, University of Warsaw

    M.A., PhD student at the Department of National Economy, Faculty of Management.


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How to Cite

Consumption Among Young People in Poland. (2024). Innovative Management in Economy and Business, 1/24, 125-138.

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