Poland’s use of financial support from the EU’s SAPARD fund until 2006
agriculture, rural areas, operational programs, operations, fund managementAbstract
The aim of the article is to characterize and analyze Poland’s use of financial support from the EU’s SAPARD Fund up until 2006. The SAPARD funding for Poland was primarily intended to improve the competitiveness of Polish agriculture and food processing, both domestically and internationally, and to increase its efficiency and effectiveness. In addition, the funding sought to improve the quality of the products produced, to meet phytosanitary, veterinary and hygienic standards and to broaden the uptake of innovation through investment in agricultural holdings. The Fund’s important task was to raise the standard of living of the rural population by improving the business environment and developing rural infrastructure through road network expansion, improved water availability and energy supply, waste water management, waste disposal and telecommunication development. An important objective of this program was to prepare potential beneficiaries of the wide range of structural assistance available after the accession through education and information dissemination.
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