The axiological conditions of the 1997 constitution


  • Piotr Solarz University of Finance and Management in Warsaw Author



constitution, axiology, human dignity, common good, political conflict, human rights, power


The author of the article tried to present knowledge about the axiological conditions of the constitution of 1997. The author’s
main thesis was confirmed: various values, for example, freedom, dignity, common good, and others, became the axiological foundation of the 1997 constitution. This diversity has become the basis for discussing the constitution in the axiological sphere, not only among representatives of various disciplines of science but also among politicians, and it has become an instrument of political games and political conflict.

Author Biography

  • Piotr Solarz, University of Finance and Management in Warsaw

    Ph.D. prof. extraordinary.



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How to Cite

The axiological conditions of the 1997 constitution. (2024). Innovative Management in Economy and Business, 1/26, 93-100.

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