The call centre in an energy company. Functioning, problems, challenges. Selected aspects
call center, CRM, customer service, energy companiesAbstract
To satisfy the needs of customers, energy companies use increasingly complex tools to improve customer service. Recently call centres have been replaced by other, mainly on-line, communication channels. In the discussion on the role of the call centre in the future, various issues should be taken into account. These include energy company customers’ preferences in terms of manner and rules of contact, access to telecommunication tools, scope and scale of data processed, reliability of data protection and data security, regulatory requirements and CSR standards, as well as the applicability of available telecommunication tools and the costs of their implementation. The article presents selected aspects of a call centre’s operation and indicates trends and key determinants which will affect call centres in energy companies. The article is an introduction to a multidisciplinary discussion on the future role and tasks of the call centre as one way in which energy companies communicate with clients.
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