‘Project’ as a management method – challenges and opportunities for public administration in Poland





project, project management, EU project management, project management in public administration


The aim of this article is to present selected solutions for project management in public administration, which did not result from the need to perform tasks related to the management of EU funds or the implementation of projects co-financed from these funds. In order to achieve this goal, the authors assessed the effectiveness of this type of management, primarily through the prism of rational disposal of public funds, i.e. taxes from citizens and enterprises. In the first part of the study, the use of projects in the activities of public administration was discussed. In the next two parts, project management in public administration in Poland and the management of European Union projects in Poland by public administration were characterized. In conclusion, the authors attempted to answer the question whether project management in Poland results only from the need to obtain EU funds, or from the need for more efficient and effective implementation of public tasks, with greater cooperation with private partners. Despite indicating many obstacles, the authors of the article predict that where it is necessary and enforced by external procedures and regulations – e.g. in conducting investments financed from European Union sources – the described management will, despite all adversities, be more and more effective.


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Author Biographies

  • Jacek Cheda, University of Business and Health Sciences in Łódź

    Dr. Jacek Cheda, assistant professor at the Institute of Law and Criminology of the University of Business and Health Sciences in Łódź.


  • Bartosz Rzętkiewicz, College of Business and Health Sciences in Łódź

    Bartosz Rzętkiewicz, M.A., director of the Institute of Internal Security at the University of Business and Health Sciences in Łódź.


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How to Cite

‘Project’ as a management method – challenges and opportunities for public administration in Poland. (2025). Innovative Management in Economy and Business, 1/36, 26-36. https://doi.org/10.25312/2391-5129.36/2023_02jcbr

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