A man thrown into the world in the concept of Václav Havel
existence, the meaning of life, concrete horizon, absolute, I, not IAbstract
The author presents the concept of throwing a person into the world according to Václav Havel. It analyzes the phenomenon of the absolute horizon and the concrete horizon, the very moment of "throwing in" and the related process of becoming a human subject. The constitution of the subject takes place in many dimensions - the author pays attention to the subject's relationship to itself, to other people, and to the world.
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Źródła internetowe:
Havel’s Webpage http://www.vaclavhavel.cz, [data dostępu 10.10.2011].
Patočka’s Webpage http://www.patocka.eu, [data dostępu 06.12.2011].
Paul Wilson’s Webpage, http://paulwilson.ca, [data dostępu 01.06.2012].
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