Creative agency in resistance processesto militarized sexual violence in the Colombianarmed conflict




creative agency, resistance processes, sexual violence, Colombian Armed Conflict, power geographies


This article considers the dynamics of resistance against the militarization of sexual violence in the context of the Colombian Armed Conflict, spotlighting the creative agency inherent in the struggles of those who resist, specifically women and LGBTQI+ people. The study explores power geographies and the militarization of daily life, emphasizing how sexual violence is weaponized in war. Drawing on the concepts of agency and power in Foucault, Narrative Identity in Ricoeur, and Critical Pedagogy in Paulo Freire, the research examines testimonies and examples of resistance processes from the interactive project Lives in Re-Existence, created by the Colombian Truth Commission. The essay investigates how power dynamics and the militarization of daily life structure sexual violence as a weapon of war, while highlighting the creative resistance efforts of women and LGBTQI+ people in their pursuit of justice. By shedding light on the body as a contested territory and the intersections of race, class, and gender, this study aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of the complexities surrounding sexual violence in the Colombian Armed Conflict.


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How to Cite

Creative agency in resistance processesto militarized sexual violence in the Colombianarmed conflict. (2024). Civitas Hominibus, 19, 37-50.

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