Is an ethical community possible today?


  • Borys Nowak Autor



network society, globalization, changes, simulation, illusion, aesthetic attitude, ethical attitude


The aim of the work is to try to answer the question about the possibility of an ethical community in times of postmodern fluidity and the reign of the ideal of individuality. An ethical community is one that brings together individuals committed to common ideals, not just individual interests. First, I will analyze contemporary diagnoses on the problem of human identity in the context of increasingly rapidly changing forms of individual and social life. Then I will characterize two different attitudes, aesthetic and ethical, and I will try to show that the first one is inconsistent and insufficient, although perhaps necessary at a certain transitional stage. The fundamental difference between them lies in the attitude towards the prevailing ideal of individuality. It can be undertaken as an end in itself or as a tool to achieve something else. An ethical attitude opens the way to real commitment, the choice itself. Changing the perspective of an individual is always possible, but the question remains whether it is also possible to transform the entire community into an ethical community?


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How to Cite

Is an ethical community possible today?. (2024). Civitas Hominibus, 8, 23-31.

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