Restoration of balance in development among various branches of transport – fashion or necessity?
road accidents, external costs, intermodal transport system ModalohrAbstract
Disturbance of balance in development among various branches of transport has led to serious increase in its external costs due to dominating position of road transport in logistics. The main costs of such transport, except material ones, involve compensations, disability pension, hospitalization, medical care and road accident victims’ rehabilitation. Decrease in the number of road accidents achieved by restricting road transport on distances over 300 km may be a good finance source for investments in extending application of intermodal transport in logistics. Due to extensive use of segment set mega trailer (tractor + trailer) in road transport, the intermodal transport of a Ro-La type, realized in the systems similar to Modalohr, is becoming a crucial issue. International range of logistic companies may help in making organizational changes, what in result will increase transport system economics.
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