Energy efficiency – on the way to improve energy intensity of tPolish and German Economy


  • Arkadiusz Grabowski Main Business School in Warsaw Author



Poland, Germany, the economy, energy consumption, energy efficiency


In accordance with the energy policy of the European Union both Germany and Poland are implementing their own efficiency measures and targets. Fulfilling the European energy efficiency targets leads to improving energy intensity of the economy and brings considerable tribute to environment protection. Due to considerable cost of investment, active support of public
institutions is necessary for promotion of the energy efficiency idea. This article shows attitude to energy efficiency in Poland and in Germany, presents energy intensity of the economies and highlights the importance of effective use of energy in modern business environment. The basis for the article form the statistical data from the Eurostat databases, the Internet and some energy markets and energy pricing publications. The lack of publications in the field of energy efficiency is caused by the innovative character of energy efficiency. Economic connections and geographical locations are the main reasons considered when choosing Poland and Germany for comparison. Description of attitude to energy intensity in countries with the energy intensity of the economy that differs to such a great extent is worth highlighting. The article also shows the importance of the state in introduction of projects aiming at improving energy efficiency. Since such projects are of long-term nature, require much effort from investors and aim at improving quality of environment, which is our common good, it is advisable to provide investors with business advice and financial support. The article also highlights the means of support and promotional activities of both governmental and private institutions in improving energy efficiency.


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Author Biography

  • Arkadiusz Grabowski, Main Business School in Warsaw

    M.A., PhD student at the College of World Economy.


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Wykaz aktów prawnych

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How to Cite

Energy efficiency – on the way to improve energy intensity of tPolish and German Economy. (2014). Innovative Management in Economy and Business, 1/16, 77-91.

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